August 16, 2018
Hancock County, MS - The Hancock County Port and Harbor Commission has received a $325,000 grant to build an additional aircraft hangar at Stennis International Airport in Kiln, Mississippi.
The corporate hangar’s cost was projected in HCPHC’s 2018 annual budget at $665,000. The grant, awarded by the Mississippi Transportation Commission’s Multimodal Program, will cover approximately 50 percent of that cost.
The 100-by-100-foot hangar will include office space and aircraft storage, as well. It is expected to attract corporate and unmanned-aircraft system (UAS) companies, from research to flight operations.
“This award will greatly assist us in moving forward with the Commission’s planned enhancements to Stennis International Airport,” said Stennis Airport Director Kevin Carlisle, “to improve its desirability as a hub for moving goods and services into and out of south Mississippi.”
The Port and Harbor Commission’s CEO, Bill Cork, said: “Thanks to the state’s Transportation Commission’s Multimodal Program grant, Stennis Airport’s corporate hangar, which is but one of 13 capital projects planned, in progress, or completed in Fiscal Year 2018, is a large step closer to becoming reality.”
As the economic development authority for Hancock County, Mississippi, the Hancock County Port & Harbor Commission owns and operates Port Bienville Industrial Park and Stennis International Airport — in addition to fostering business investment for John C. Stennis Space Center, NASA’s premier rocket testing facility. For more information, visit
Southern District Transportation Commissioner, center, awards the Mississippi Transportation Commission Multimodal Program grant at the July 23, 2018, meeting of the Hancock County Port and Harbor Commission Administrative Center located in Kiln, Mississippi. CEO Bill Cork (right) and Commission President Robert Kane (left) accept the grant.